

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Lord Is My Portion

Through the Lord ’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!” 
~Lamentations 3:22‭-‬24 NKJV

How many times have you been in a spot when you feel like you are being consumed by sadness, anxiety, or worry? I have been thinking about this very thing and realized that all three have consumed me more than once because I have allowed my focus to shift. Instead of being on God and His mercies and faithfulness I look at the problem. I focus so hard on it that everything around me fades away. All the goodness, love, and hope seems so far away when I focus on the problem.

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him. It  is good that one should hope and wait quietly For the salvation of the Lord . ~Lamentations 3:25‭-‬26 NKJV

When I shift my focus back to God and seek His truth and guidance the problem seems smaller. It may not go away but now there is hope that I will overcome it.

Let him sit alone and keep silent, Because God has laid it on him; ~Lamentations 3:28 NKJV

Remember those times our Messiah went to be alone to pray. There are times we need to leave the chaos and find a spot that is quiet. We need to sit in His presence. Cry out to Him and listen for His voice. In those quiet moments as we breathe and calm our hearts we will gain insight into what God wants us to do. It is in those quiet moments that we find rest and peace. How much rest and peace do we find when we focus on the problem? None!

Saturday night as I opened my bible and let fall where it may - it opened these passages from Lamentations. I wondered why at first then realized that I had been in a state of darkness and sadness. A place where I felt alone and was trying to climb out alone. I didn't think God wanted to hear my lament, my pain, my worries, and my cries. Then I read this chapter of Lamentations and realized I was allowing the enemy to cloud my mind and keep me from communicating with my Father.

I called on Your name, O Lord , From the lowest pit. You have heard my voice: “Do not hide Your ear From my sighing, from my cry for help.” You drew near on the day I called on You, And said, “Do not fear!” O Lord, You have pleaded the case for my soul; You have redeemed my life.
~Lamentations 3:55‭-‬58 NKJV

When you are feeling out of sorts and wondering if God wants to hear your cries for help - He does!! Find your quiet place and sit with Him, talk to Him, and soak in His Presence.
❤🙏 Love  Crissy 🤓

Friday, August 24, 2018

Flashback Friday: Stormy Day (May 3, 2013)

A storm is brewing,

I feel it in my bones.

I am trying to hold on to sanity,

Trying to hold on to You.

I see it coming,

A dust storm miles long.

I stand, hoping to be strong.

It hits me,

feels like a thousand bullets riddling my body.

But still I stand,

Staggering a bit, unsure if I will make it.

The winds began to howl,

I want to run and hide,

But I have cowered to long in darkness.

Please help me stand.

The world is frigid, my body trembles,

Although warmth from Your light fills my heart,

I am afraid the inimical winds will snuff it out

before I find shelter.

I cry out, inside

Can you hear me?

I find it hard to utter the words

that form within my heart.

Dirt fills my lungs,

I can only cough.

But I stand for one more day,

My head may hang low,

My shoulders may sag,

My legs may wobble,

But I will stand.

Negativity can spew it’s hatred,

Storms can come and try to break me,

I may bend but I will not be broken!

Even in my darkest hour

I will shine.

Today the storm may come.

Tomorrow the Son will shine.

Crissy Johnson 

May 3, 2013

Loyal In Faith

Loyal is defined by Google as - giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. It's synonyms are -faithful, true, steadfast, devoted, reliable, trustworthy. It's antonym is treacherous.

As I read through all of those words I was evaluating my faith walk. Have I been loyal? Have I been true, steadfast, and devoted to God's word? Have I been faithful so that others know where I stand without me having to say anything? Have I been reliable when someone needs prayer, encouragement, or any kind of help I am able to give? Have I been trustworthy? 

Yes and no. Those days when I have stepped out of being loyal in my faith walk things do get treacherous! The waves of temptation and chaos can swallow me up if I lose that focus on being loyal to God. He is the one that can calm the storm or just calm me in the midst of it, but only if I am loyal in keeping my focus on Him and keep communicating with Him. 

This was an eye opening word for me. It forced me to see where I am right now and where I need to be. When you think of the word loyal what does it bring to your mind?

Love Adonai , you faithful of his. Adonai preserves the loyal, but the proud he repays in full. ~Psalm 31:24

He is the Way Maker

For about two weeks now I have been listening to a song, in English and Spanish, over and over. There are times I find a song that speaks so deeply to my heart that I wake up singing it in the morning, literally, it will be playing in my head and I will sing it out loud.

"Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness, My God, that is who You are."

It is such a beautiful reminder of who God is and what He does for us. I know many people deal with depression as I do and that makes it hard to see all these amazing attributes of God sometimes. We have to look a little harder and walk in faith even when we can't see His hand at work.

"Even when I don't see it, You're working. Even when I don't feel it, You're working. You never stop, You never stop working. You never stop, You never stop working."

Even those days when things seem the darkest and there is no way out of that hole you feel like you are in, He is working. He is working to show us His love. He is working to bring us out of the darkness we just have to set our eyes on the Light.

There was a man sent from God whose name was Yochanan. He came to be a testimony, to bear witness concerning the light; so that through him, everyone might put his trust in God and be faithful to him. He himself was not that light; no, he came to bear witness concerning the light. This was the true light, which gives light to everyone entering the world.
Yochanan (John) 1:6‭-‬9 CJB

The Light, our Messiah, that is who we need to focus on. Look to Him for guidance and how to deal with the world. He prayed. He followed the Father's commands. He loved. He lived a life void of sin. Of course we are not going to live a life completely void of sin, we are only human afterall, but we can avoid as much of that sin as possible. When we allow certain things on our lives by our choices that is when the darkness gets thicker and way out more obscure.

He forgave. He was kind. He was gentle. He was honest. He was bold. He was willing to speak the truth even when it caused Him to be unpopular and took Him to His death.

Can we be this way with others and with ourselves? While we are in our "pit" of our own choice or due to circumstances beyond our control, can we focus on the Light? Can we believe these words....

"Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness, My God, that is who You are."

"Even when I don't see it, You're working. Even when I don't feel it, You're working. You never stop, You never stop working. You never stop, You never stop working."

Way Maker

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

To Be Loved

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed. 
~Yochanan (Jhn) 3:16 CJB

The ultimate kind of love. As believers we read this, we memorize it, but done truly believe in His love for us? 

We live defeated and hopeless. We look in the mirror and say negative and hurtful things about ourselves. We see people walk by and think or say those same types of things. We claim to love God but do we?

Love is...
"not proud, rude or selfish, not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs."
1 Corinthians (1 Co) 13:5 (CJB)

I read a meme awhile back that rely hit home and it made me sit back and evaluate myself. Was I claiming to love God yet hate people? Generally I am not a hateful person but I found myself feeling those stirrings of anger and resentment towards a few people who had hurt me or hurt people I loved. It is not a good place to be. Even if they hurt me or those I love I need to forgive them and give that anger and resentment to God.

Easier said than done! Oh, but it is worth it! Life is so much more beautiful when we love and allow ourselves to be loved. It is peaceful and filled with kindness and grace.

Will you let go of hate today and live God's love out?

This post is part of Five Minute Friday's

Sunday, August 19, 2018


A few days ago I was telling a friend about  my hand-me-down "vintage" television that needs to be smacked a few times during our shows to get the picture back on. I sit on a couch that is at least 20 years old. I have clothes that were given to me by friends and some of them are thrift store buys.

I caught myself complaining and feeling like I "need" new things. I begin feeling angry about circumstances and lack of what I believe I need. Instead of thanking God for all the blessings and memories these hand-me-downs bring to mind. The Holy Spirit convicted my heart! **Ouch**

Today as I sat on the bed and looked down at my favorite old comforter, I see that the batting inside has come apart in places and is clumped up in the corner a bit. It is faded and there is a small snag in it. Oh, but it is so soft to the touch and brings such comfort to lay under it. Each piece of old furniture, old books, even that television that gets us off the couch more than once during one show to be smacked all have a memory of where they came from that in most cases brings a smile to my face.

Growing up my mom always took us to church services every Sunday morning, night, and sometimes even on Wednesday night. I would sit in bible class for my age group and soak in everything they taught. I would sit in the auditorium and listen to the preacher with the intention to learn something. As I got older and got my first Bible I would underline scripture and  carry it with me wherever I would go. I read the book of Revelation first and it made want to know more, I was about 10 years old then. Soon I began taking notes during the sermons and telling anyone who would listen what I learned. Before I was a teenager I wanted to join the teen class and go to the teenage Christian conferences because I wanted to learn more.  At 14 years old I committed my life through baptism (Acts 2:38) to God. At 15 years old I helped with Vacation Bible School in Juarez, Mexico. I lived to serve the Lord. 

If it wasn't for my mom's "hand-me-down faith" I may never have known God on a personal level. I may never have known the hope, love, and peace that a relationship with Him provides. I don't believe in Him just because my mom does, I believe because I have seen Him work in my life. I read His word diligently and pray to know Him better. I chose to make that faith mybown that she showed me by taking me to a place to learn about and worship Him. 

In every hand-me-down there is a precious gift, a memory of a time past, and a story to tell. Do you have a hand-me-down that holds a special place in your heart?

My first Bible. Someday I hope to hand this down to someone.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Woman, You Are Beautiful

Diana Rockwell (click her name to go to her blog), a sister in the Lord and great writer invited me to join the Five Minute Friday link-up. It is a time to write for 5 minutes about the word of the week, this week that word is woman.

"And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man." ~Genesis 2:23 (NKJV)

During creation God saw that the man he created needed a helper so out of man he fashioned a woman. I always think about this idea of Eve being fashioned from the rib of Adam and it brings to mind being a protector of his heart. Hearts are a fragile thing, they can be broken and the despair that can fill it when it is hurt can kill the spirit of a person.

As I sit here writing for these few minutes I imagine my marriage, my role as a helper to my husband. How can I protect his heart from pain? God brings to mind encouragement, prayer, words of love daily. As a woman I know I need this as well and want the gifts that God has bestowed upon me to be used in such a way that I can build up and strengthen my marriage, relationships with other women, and my role as a woman in this world.

I love to write and I am now realizing that this is on way I can share that gift with other women around the world. Sister's you are a delight in God's eyes. He loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love! Embrace your unique personality, gifts, and your purpose! Love yourself so much that is will flow right out of you can envelop every woman you come in contact with. Not with a prideful love but a beautiful, humble, kind love that comes from knowing God personally.

Every wise woman builds up her home, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. ~Proverbs 14:1 (CJB)

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. ~Psalm 136:14 (NKJV)

Let Us Delight

Don’t be upset by evildoers

or envious of those who do wrong, for soon they will wither like grass

and fade like the green in the fields. ~Psalm 37:1-2 (CJB)

This morning when my alarm went off I was reminded to "choose joy." It is the title I have given my alarm because there are days when things will be hard, sad, traumatic, or just plain gloomy and I will need to have the idea of choosing joy at the forefront of my mind so that when those hard moments I can choose not to allow it to ruin my day. 

I have these two pet peeve that really affects me, emotionally, physically, and mentally when I or others do it. Complaining and constant negative talk. I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way. Oh, how the enemy of our souls loves for us to get stuck in complaining and speaking all sorts of negative words to ourselves and others. He wants us to speak these fears, the anger, the hate into existence so that it becomes manifest in our very lives and that of others. He whispers in our ears, "you're not good enough," "you're too ugly, fat, skinny, dumb, short, tall, etc," "God doesn't love you," "you messed up too much this time," and so many other lies we start speaking out loud and believing. 

Trust in the Lord, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. 
~Psalm 37:3 (NKJV)

We know the devil is a liar and he only wants to destroy our relationship with God. Even though we know this our hearts and minds are fragile and we tend to latch on to the worst things said about is and to us by others or ourselves instead of believing God's wonderful truth about His love for us! His love is something we should delight in every moment of every day!

Last night as I was thinking about getting back to blogging daily or at least most days I wondered what can I share, what has God laid on my heart to learn. The first word that popped into my head was, delight. Then immediately after the scripture above came to mind. You see, I have been so stuck on focusing on the hardships, the pain, the illness, the lack of control in some things, and the blindness I seem to have to the way out of this - to the blessing that comes after the spiritual battle. It has been a terrible existence lately because I wasn't focusing on His love, provision, faithfulness, and the fact that He is in control and He will never forsake me. That is where my focus needs to be! Yours too! 

Commit your way to the Lord,

Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,

And your justice as the noonday.
~Psalm 37:5-6 (NKJV)

Today let is choose not only joy but also to delight in every single moment that we are given. In every beautiful sound, every flower, every bird that flies by, every raindrop that nourishes the earth, every sun ray that warms us, every night the moon and stars shine. Let us delight in every meow of our kittens, bark of a dogs, every feel of the breeze on our faces, every smile from a stranger, every kind word from a loved one, every hug, every kiss, every moment we can hold the hand of someone dear to us. Let us delight in the fact we work up and have a new day ahead to grow, learn, and glorify the Lord. Let us delight in every word written by the hand of God, in His rest, in His unconditional love, in His grace, in His mercy, in salvation through our Messiah, in every footstep of the Messiah that guides us, and every time the Holy Spirit convicts us or encourages us. Let us delight in how God refines us, sanctifies us, molds us daily into who He has purposed us to become. Hallelujah!!

Rest in the Lordand wait patiently for Him;

Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath;

Do not fret—it only causes harm.
~Psalm 37:7-8

Thursday, August 2, 2018

O God, you are my God

O God, you are my God;
I will seek you eagerly.
My heart thirsts for you,
my body longs for you
in a land parched and exhausted,
where no water can be found.
 I used to contemplate you in the sanctuary,
seeing your power and glory; ~ Psalm 63:1-2 (CJB)

The desperation of needing air when you feel like you are drowning has been a month long experience for me. Some days it is the physical pain and some days it is the emotional and mental pain. Every day I woke up feeling sick to my stomach and longing for better. I worried and wondered what could be going on. I didn't want to share it with anyone or let on that something was wrong. How many times do we do this? Pretend we are okay and that we can do it all on our own. 

In my want to disappear, sleep for days, or just wallow in the sadness. I cried out to God. I fell into His Word instead of into the hole of despair. I finally opened my mouth and asked for help, asked for prayers. What I was longing for was for His peace, rest, and strength. But just like when we want to fill a void we believe we need something else, something we deem as better than falling into His comforting arms. So we search and we come up empty each time. We may find a moment of fulfillment in lashing out, being irritable, indulging in too much food, or even in just pretending that we can do it all on our own. Just like sugar, we get the immediate high and then the crash. 

for your grace is better than life.
My lips will worship you.
Yes, I will bless you as long as I live;
in your name I will lift up my hands. ~Psalm 63:3-4 (CJB)

I remembered David and the Psalms. So I opened my bible and let it fall to a Psalm. Oh! How timely Psalm 63 was for me to today and I hope it blesses you as well. Everything that God is, is what we need! In every moment, the hard ones and the easy ones, He has what we need to make it through. 

 I am as satisfied as with rich food;
my mouth praises you with joy on my lips
when I remember you on my bed
and meditate on you in the night watches.~Psalm 63: 5-6

Those days when I could do no more than lay in bed, sometimes sit in bed. I praised Him through song. Those days when I had to force myself to get up and get dressed, I praise Him for the strength to move. Those days I was able to leave my house and get things done, I praised Him for the ability to handle the days events. I praised Him for those people I met along the way and those who I spent time with. I had to look hard for that beauty and I had to force those praises through most of those days. But it made the days just a bit easier. 

 For you have been my help;
in the shadow of your wings I rejoice;
 my heart clings to you;
your right hand supports me.~Psalm 63:7-8

Have you seen His hand in those hard days? Have you been able to rejoice in the shadow of His wings? Oh how wonderful to have our heart cling to Him! He knows us so intimately that He is the only one that can provide the right thing for our needs. Even if that is just the strength to endure. Even if we don't understand understand it and can't fathom the reason why, "why me?" He knows, He feels our pain, and He will give us what we need to run the race and endure to the day we will receive out crown of eternal life.

But those who seek to destroy my life —
may they go to the lowest parts of the earth.
11 May they be given over to the power of the sword;
may they become prey for jackals. ~Psalm 63:9-10

We have a very real enemy and the unfortunate truth is that he will use anyone he can to bring us pain and make us feel that we are worthless. The enemy is a liar! Those moments when we hear his whispers in our ears saying we are never going to make it through or that God doesn't really loves us because if he did we wouldn't have to go through hardships. Such horrible lies! We must be vigilant and aware of the enemies tactics. It is hard to hear those whispers and overcome them. That is why it is so important that we cry out to God and talk to those we can trust who will pray for us and speak truth to us. 

But the king will rejoice in God.
Everyone who swears by him will exult,
for the mouths of liars will be silenced.~Psalm 63:11

Let us rejoice in God! Let us rest in His arms and know that He will provide a way when we see no way. He will guide us through our journey if we just allow Him to. He will carry us through the hard times if we just cry out to Him. When we focus our lives on Him the mouths of the liars will be silenced. We won't hear those whispers of the enemy so loudly. Instead we will hear God's voice saying, " I love you. You are enough, you are my beautiful child and I will take care of you, come to me."

Who's words will you live by? God's or the devils? Who will you trust when you feel like you are drowning and can't breathe? I hope that we can all say that we will trust and cry out to God in those times. I hope that we can all say that we will find a trusted person to talk to, to pray with us, and to tell us the truth even when it is hard to hear.

I hope you are having a wonderful day! In God's Love, Crissy